Monday 17 March 2014

Party Bun

Party Bun



- teasing comb.
- two hairties
bobby pins
hair spray


Step 1: Begin by smoothing all your hair back into a sleek high ponytail(if you have curly hair, you can either straighten it beforehand or just expect a more textured look:)). spray your head down and smooth the top for extra 'sleek-ness':) next you're going to use another hair-tie on top of the other. Pull your hair through twice, but on the last time don't pull it through all the way, but stop after creating a loop that's about 6 inches across. 
Step 2: I have a lot of hair leftover at this point, but if you use up all your hair in the loop because it's shorter, that's just fine! Next you're gonna pull the loop forward and just let it nestle nicely onto your head. Pin the middle from either side, and the ends will lay in place, creating a cute little dome of hair! 
Step 3: Lastly we're gonna twist the leftover hair a little, and wrap it up over the hair-tie and into the 'dome' of hair, pinning it into place out of sight. Spray it all down as usual, and you're finished!
This is the perfect style to clip a sparkly bow right in front, or high in the back!

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