Saturday 1 March 2014

Double Gibson

Double Gibson

- teasing comb
- clip
- two hair-ties
- approx a dozen bobby pins
- curling iron optional

Step 1: Comb out a nice side part, and divide your hair in half, securing the top part up so you can deal with the bottom first. Pull the bottom section horizontally and directly back away from your head and tie a hair-tie around it all, about 8 or so inches away from your scalp. Tease the hair in your ponytail a little (a little extra teasing if you have shorter hair). 
Step 2: Roll the ponytail upwards and towards your head in a nice little tube. Secure with several bobby pins from the inside out, then proceed to tug both sides outwards and up a little, pinning them securely as well. and you're done with your first roll! 
Step 3: You're going to repeat the same steps with your top part of your hair, only this time smooth the hair up into its roll, and nestle it right on top of your first! Tug the sides up of course and pin, tug a few little fly-away's out and curl if you wish, and spritz to a finish! Done and done, and isn't it lovely?
Very classic and elegant 

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